"Stories, techniques and reflections that will help you achieve a better quality of life"
Virtues are man's moral heritage; through their practice, we achieve true wisdom and positively rebuild our lives and that of the surrounding beings.
In this book, Arles Ballesteros shares stories, techniques, and reflections that will help you make your life flourish; through the cultivation of virtues, which will translate into a life full of love, happiness, and inner peace that will be reflected on your exterior.
You will recognize the virtues in others, so you will enjoy the people around you and gain many friends. You will be able to use the techniques, analyze the reflections and see yourself in these stories, which the author has carefully selected with the purpose of offering an objective message that can serve as a tool to transmit a message that will bring well-being.
Blossoming through Virtues by Arles Ballesteros
www.quisqueyanapress.com/arles- ballesteros
Type: Motivational Ficcion
Pages: 188 pages
Format: Softcover, Hardcover and eBook
Published by: August 18, 2022
Language: English
interior Color: Blanco y Negro (Softcover) and color (Hardcover)
Hardcover ISBN: 979-884725337
Softcover ISBN: 979-8985585872
Dimensions: 5.5" x 0.48" x 8.5"
Weigth: 10.7 ounces